Getting Culture Right: Highlights

Getting Culture Right: Highlights

I was fortunate to recently attend the Australian Conference on Culture and Leadership, sponsored by Human Synergistics Australia.This annual conference is often a gold-mine of tips and inspiration in terms of the challenges and opportunities of workplace culture, and...
3 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk

3 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk

We all get knock-backs occasionally. As the old saying goes, life is not all wine and roses (or beer and skittles for that matter). At these times, it can be a natural tendency for some to slip into a negative mode of thinking and self-talk: “Why does bad...
Leadership and the Value of Insight

Leadership and the Value of Insight

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years in the leadership development space – as a learner, facilitator, coach, avid reader and observer. One of the things I’ve learned along the way is that much of the literature and research in this area is...