If you’re looking for ideas or a little inspiration in relation to engagement, workplace culture and leadership in your small business, you’ve come to the right place. Browse our articles below.
Team/Staff Engagement Surveys – how can they help business performance?
Much as they'd like to be, when it comes to staffing matters, most business leaders aren't mind readers. Too often, good staff leave an organisation and – by the time leaders realise there were issues - it's too late to try and keep them. Team/staff engagement surveys...
3 Simple Ways to Stop Negative Self-Talk
We all get knock-backs occasionally. As the old saying goes, life is not all wine and roses (or beer and skittles for that matter). At these times, it can be a natural tendency for some to slip into a negative mode of thinking and self-talk: "Why does bad stuff...
Leadership and the Value of Insight
I've spent a lot of time over the years in the leadership development space - as a learner, facilitator, coach, avid reader and observer. One of the things I've learned along the way is that much of the literature and research in this area is focused on seeking...
6 Ways to P*ss Off Your Staff – Guaranteed!
One of my coaching clients mentioned to me the other day that he was working on some "anti-goals". Rather than focusing on what he wants to achieve in his personal and professional life, he's finding it more helpful to make a list of what he doesn't want...
“She’s great at her job, but…”
On at least three separate occasions over the last couple of weeks I've had clients make comments to me along those lines, and it's frankly getting annoying. Please don't tell me "She's great at her job [Finance Manager by the way], but terrible at managing...
Conquering the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team model (above) was developed by Patrick Lencioni, author of the best-selling book of the same name and founder and president of The Table Group, a US-based management consulting firm. The model, drawn from Lencioni's experiences in...
Why do the good employees leave? Engaging and keeping the “keepers”
Have you ever wondered why it's the "good" people in your organisation who move on – yet the "dead wood" effectively quit and stay? Recognising and rewarding talent in your organisation – and engaging those people so that they want to help you succeed in business – is...
How Strong Are the Links in Your Management Chain?
I'm sure we've all had the experience at one time or another of seeing apparently sound decisions fall apart at the point of implementation, or otherwise proceed but result in unintended consequences. This can of course happen in connection with any type of...
Focus on Leadership and Culture: Dependent
In a recent article, we introduced the Human Synergistics Circumplex™, a proven framework to measure, report, discuss and better understand individual and collective human behaviours, and their impact upon business and organisation performance (refer: Catching Smoke:...