If you’re looking for ideas or a little inspiration in relation to engagement, workplace culture and leadership in your small business, you’ve come to the right place. Browse our articles below.

Focus on Leadership and Culture: Perfectionistic

Focus on Leadership and Culture: Perfectionistic

In a previous blog, we introduced the Human Synergistics Circumplex™, a proven framework to measure, report, discuss and better understand individual and collective human behaviour, and their impact upon business and organisational performance (refer: Catching Smoke:...

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Express Yourself!

Express Yourself!

Let's face it…much of our success and satisfaction within the workplace (and beyond for that matter!) arises from the effectiveness of our interactions with others.  Sometimes, the challenge can be in clearly understanding what others need, want and expect from...

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Focus on Leadership and Culture: Achievement

Focus on Leadership and Culture: Achievement

In a recent blog, we introduced the Human Synergistics Circumplex™, a proven framework to measure, report, discuss and better understand individual and collective human behaviour, and their impact upon business and organisational performance (refer: Catching...

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Leadership: Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

Leadership: Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

Search for "leadership" on Amazon and you will be invited to purchase more than 117,000 books on the subject. It's been a prominent item of discussion in business improvement circles for decades.  This is not without good reason though, with effective leadership...

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GROW Your People, Grow Your Success

GROW Your People, Grow Your Success

Effective Leadership is one of the core elements of our exclusive Success Through People(c) Model, and is key to diving business performance and profitability. ​One of the common attributes of highly effective leaders is that they are inevitably great...

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