At this time of year, there tends to be a lot of planning going on, and rightly so. As a business, and perhaps as individuals, what are we going to strive to achieve, how are we going to get there, and what’s most important to us?
Clear Vision, Values and Strategy is one of the most fundamental components of our exclusive Success Through People(c) Model. It concerns the degree to which Vision, Values and Strategy, common purpose, strategic & business plans are present, effectively communicated and linked to the work of teams & individuals. And the simple fact is that successful businesses have clear goals and ensure that the activity of all those involved in the business is aligned towards achieving them. They are also clear about HOW they are going to go about the work.
So how’s your business performing in terms of clear Vision, Values and Strategy?
Rate each of the following items on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “not at all”, and 5 being “to a great extent”.

To what extent….
- Does your business have a clear Vision that has been effectively communicated to staff?
- Is the current Strategy of the business clear to staff?
- Can all staff members clearly state the Values of the business?
- Are the Vision, Strategy and Values of the business reinforced through (for example) recruitment, induction processes, regular staff communications, and performance reviews?
- Are staff involved in the development of action plans to support the Vision, Strategy and Values of the business?
Total your responses to calculate your score out of a potential maximum of 25.
Score <14: It’s probable that there is scope for significant improvement
Score 14 – 20: There is likely scope for further improvement
Score 21 – 25: Great work! You may still be able to identify a few tips to improve even further
Tips to Improve:
- Develop a clear vision for the business. Be sure to consult with key stakeholders and, once the vision is in place, ensure it is effectively communicated.
- Determine and effectively communicate clear values for the business. Values help to guide the behaviour of people within the business, and make it clear that “how we do things” is as important as “what we do”.
- Work with your team to develop strategic and business plans that outline the activities required to achieve your vision for the business. If it’s your vision to double revenue within the next 3 years, what steps do you need to put into place to achieve this? What resources and support might you need? Who is responsible? What are the key milestones and timeframes?
- Once vision, values, strategies and business plans are developed and initially communicated, they need to be consistently reinforced through relevant communications, management behaviours and systems and processes such as recruitment and selection, performance management and remuneration. By way of example, ensure instances of non-conformance with the values are promptly and appropriately addressed. Ensure progress towards goals is regularly assessed and broadly communicated. Ensure appropriate and visible links between the achievement of business plan goals and recognition and reward systems.
Curious as to how your business or team is performing in terms of the other components of the model? Take the free, confidential Success through People(c) Scorecard today – click here.