If you’re looking for ideas or a little inspiration in relation to engagement, workplace culture and leadership in your small business, you’ve come to the right place. Browse our articles below.

Authentic Leadership in a VUCA World

Authentic Leadership in a VUCA World

I was fortunate a couple of weeks ago to have the opportunity to invest in my own professional development and participate in an online session with Professor Bill George (senior fellow at Harvard Business School, former CEO of Medtronic and the author of:...

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Canaries, COVID and Culture

Canaries, COVID and Culture

Just as canaries were once used to check the gas levels in coalmines (dead canary = no go zone), so COVID has proven to be an indicator of the health, or otherwise, of workplace cultures. We've directly see it play out in the workplaces of our clients and others we've...

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Values in Action!

Values in Action!

Those who know us well, or who have worked with us directly, will know that we are "pretty big" on the importance of articulating clear values in a business or organisation. So a conversation I had recently with a relatively new client in which she referenced the...

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